Authors Need to Talk their Walk

Writers and Authors Need to Talk their Walk: Why Public Speaking Sells Books

If you’re a writer, don’t be discouraged, but did you know that writers’ earnings have fallen by 42% in real terms since 2005?

A recent article in the Guardian, UK, “There’s No Safety Net: The Plight of the Mid-list Author“, highlighted the plight of ‘mid-list’ authors. It’s tough earning a living from writing, and it seems it’s just getting tougher.

Which is why I harp on a lot about cross-marketing—the writers who do well are the writers who speak well.

Yes, public speaking. As writers, it’s imperative that you get out in front of an audience and talk your walk.

A Hubspot report in 2017 identified Top 10 reasons why people (customers) purchase a product or service, including books. Besides word of mouth, endorsements, and branding, the 4th reason was that they heard the writer/service provider speak at an event.

Public speaking might be a terrifying proposition to many writers who prefer to sit behind their computer and write, but it’s an extremely effective way for your readers and audience to know you, like you and trust you—the 3 most important factors in a customer’s decision to hand over their money and buy your book.

So, do you want to sell more books? Do you want publishers to ‘find’ you?

Then get out there and talk!

Need help with your book marketing? Click here…


*This article first appeared on and is re-published with permission.

‘Remember, success like writing is a habit’

Dr. Scott Zarcinas
Director, DoctorZed Publishing
Founder, The Life Leaders Club

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