Looking Up, Looking In Building Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Habits

Number 1 Bestseller on Amazon

Looking Up Looking In Number 1 Bestseller on Amazon


As a forward-thinking leader, you are always looking at ways to improve your skills and techniques. You have a high level of knowledge about how to get the best from your people, and you are successful in achieving your goals.

Yet in spite of your skills and knowledge, there are still breakdowns in communication, frustrating misunderstandings, and interpersonal difficulties that you just can’t seem to overcome. These barriers and roadblocks disrupt the smooth running of your business, wasting valuable time, energy, and money.

As a psychologist working with business leaders, Graham Andrewartha understands that the reason these difficulties arise is because leaders bring their personal values, drivers, and biases into the workplace.

All too often, this key component of leadership development is not considered, placing leaders on the back foot with everything from culture to conflict resolution to creating cohesive teams.

Graham’s passion for helping individuals and organisations overcome barriers to change has led him to write his fourth book, Looking Up, Looking In.




Graham draws on his vast experience as a psychologist with over 35 years working with a wide variety of professional and personal clients, and training with world experts in the field, as well as his own leadership skills, honed as senior partner of MCA Group, Past President of the Australian Human Resource Institute, and Adjunct Research Fellow in leadership at the University of South Australia.  Graham addresses the unhelpful learned behaviours that inhibit truly influential leadership, and shows you how to build on your positive behaviours to effectively overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of effective communication and connection in the workplace.

In this book you will learn how to:

  • create positive mindset shifts
  • develop empathic leadership
  • recognise your influencer style
  • overcome limiting thoughts
  • build trustworthy communication

This deeply insightful, intelligent, and comprehensive guide to developing influential leadership is a must-read for any innovative leader wanting to take their skills, and their business, to the next level.


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