How to Stop Procrastination Killing Your Writing Dreams | 2-Minute Tips for Writers
Does procrastination ever stop you from writing?
Have you ever suffered the dreaded writers’ block?
Do you feel there’s always something stopping you complete your word count goals?
I know exactly how you feel. In fact, I procrastinated for OVER 15 years before I finally wrote the first words to my book, The Golden Chalice.
Yep, 15 years. I was 15 when I first said I was ‘gunna’ write a book, but didn’t do it until I was 30!
My favourite excuse I used for years and years in the mid-90s was, “I don’t have a computer!” I could have bought one, of course, but I didn’t. I preferred to procrastinate instead.
You could say I was the Professor of Procrastination, and, yes, I do know how procrastination can steal away your dreams.
They say procrastination is the thief of time for a reason… and it stole 15 years of my writing life.
But here’s the unfortunate thing—I knew I was procrastinating but I didn’t know why.
Now I do. It was the fear of failure (i.e. the fear of being rejected).
But fear is just one cause of procrastination. There are lots more, but if you don’t know what’s holding you back you are oblivious to how to stop it.
And another day passes and you have not written your book…
This is why you need to uncover the real reasons you procrastinate. Procrastination is just a symptom of something underneath it, and it’s usually something to do with how you think, feel, and react.
One of the best ways to do this is to know your Procrastinator Persona.
There are 4 types, and I bet you didn’t even know there was such a thing. But when you know your Procrastinator Persona, you discover the 1 thing that’s been holding you back.
I found out my Procrastinator Persona a while ago, and it helped me immensely. Okay, yes, of course I still procrastinate now and then, but I have never again wasted 15 years of my life doing it.
So, if you want to know your Procrastinator Persona, click here. It only takes 4 minutes.
Discover the 1 Thing Holding You Back. Click here…
‘Remember, success like writing is a habit’
Dr. Scott Zarcinas
Director, DoctorZed Publishing
Founder, The Life Leaders Club
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